
It all started on a fine friday morning (I think la) when Fendi came ape to me and said:

F: Malam ni ade meeting tau, aku nk past the baton dkt korang.
A: Ok. Tapi kenape?
F: Kitorang nak exam dah ni, lagipon korang memang suke what kerja kan.

So that night me, Feqs & Aiman when to the editroom for the meeting. Then came Uncle & Pia. They were the new recruit that gona help in the making of the mag. So the meeting took place.
The aftermath of the meeting was that we the form4 will now be fully in charge of the magazine and I would be in charge of them. So after getting instruction from the form5 we began making 'their magazine'.

The first problem that occurred was that both Uncle & Pia cannot understand what Heri had told them to do (Heri bermumble-mumble semase memberi tunjuk ajar).  After that was settle we were completely shocked by the state of the draft. There were just a few pictures & the layout.
We where like what the hell?!! So we continue on doing their job for them. We met some more problems around the road such as Teachers that doesn't want to take pictures, clubs that doesn't send their report and stuff like that.

Overall, I think this experience thought me something: START EARLY NEXT YEAR!

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