Get Your Own

Please watch the video first before you continue reading. (please ignore the stupid ads)

Okay I am not promoting and iPhone in my blog today. The video just reminds me of Koleq. You see back when I used to have my own guitar some of my friends would occasionally come up to me and asked me to lend my guitar to them. Being the nice guy that I was I would usually give it to them occasionally with the syarat that they play it in my dorm and put it back where it belongs. But sometimes, these guys would take my guitar to other places such as their dorms and after they were done playing they would either just leave it there or past it to someone else who in turn would also past to another guy and so on. So I when I asked the first guy where is my guitar he whould say "Oh aku bagi dekat (please insert a name here)". So I would spend a lot of my time going to one dorm to another to get my guitar back. Which is lebih kurang macam video dekat atas ni la. The same situation which would eventually be the end of my guitar.
The same thing happens with my friends who owns an iPod. Their iPod would occasionally be past around from one hand to another and their owners would have to spend less time listening to their iPod and more time keeping track of those little wonderful gadgets. I am not saying you cannot borrow other people's stuff but please nak pinjam tu buat la cara elok-elok. Kalau dia dah kata letak balik dekat tempat dia letak la balik. Kalau dia kata jangan pass dekat orang lain jangan la. Cuba kalau benda tu hilang. Boleh buat gaduh kot. Kalau nak passing-passing dekat orang lain beli sendiri.


areng said...

dah name pun dok asrama..
baju riadah pun jd nk dpinjam2...
bapak pengotor gler dyorg

Amer 'Arif said...

Malas la ckp benda lain yg dipinjam2 kan.

xxx said...

tpkn bang
mcm mne palk klau brg 2 trus msuk kat mlut n hilang
mcm mne nk pulang la kn
abg bole cerite sket x ituasi yg mcm ni
ape yg kite kne bwt kat org cm2

Mohd Akmal Hakim Mokhtar said...

cukup pedas.

Amer 'Arif said...

Usha- Makanan xpe. nanti dia ada makanan lak kau rembat la pulak. hahahahaha

Kimal- Ni utk teguran bersama. Aku pon sama je. hahahahah

amerhadiazmi said...

Dasar budak Koleq. Bergaya kehulu-kehilir pakai track bottom adidas serta baju nike terbaru milik rakan-rakan.

FidoFirdaus said...

biaselah tu..
typical budak koleq..
what is yours is mine too..

Amer 'Arif said...

hahahaha i guess so.