I'm the epitome of Public Enemy

My teeth are free from braces.

But the braces are replaced by the not so very comfortable retainers.

The Koleq Mag lacks funds.

Anyone interested to help can contact me through phone, facebook, twitter, or even this little blog right here.

I want to buy films so that I can spend some quality time with my dear dear Ms. LC-A.

I am starting to fall in love with a camera despite its small body packs a serious punch called the Diana Mini.

I finally met Gedek!

Here is a little something for you guys to enjoy.

Weezer - El Scorcho

Tutudu tutudu.


The Super Duper Haziq said...

The main reason kau tulis post ni sbb kau jumpa gedek je..

Hang ingat aku xtau ka?

Amer 'Arif said...

Huish mana ada. Aku tulih sebab nak mintak sponser (hint hint)