Happy New Year!
2008 oh what a year it was! I personally think 2008 was the year that I change a lot being more matured and more responsible of my actions. I made new friends, reconnected with old buddies, tried new things, learnt some lesson of life, got interested in Lomography, went to Russia and the list goes on. If I some scientist would invent a time machine 10 years from now and he would let me use it, 2008 will be one of the years that i would travel too.
Right now all I can think about 2009 is, Form 5 and SPM. It feels just like if it was yesterday when I first step myself into Koleq and now suddenly I am about to be come a Fifth Former! The Abang-abang who the juniors are force to give salams to went passing. The guys who gave out orders to the juniors. The guys... oh you get the point. I can already guess what the headmaster would say on the first day assembly, It will go something like this:
"Result Diognostic F5 tahun ini tidak memberansangkan ya. Mungkin kamu semua ingat kamu sudah bagus dan banyak bermain-main waktu kamu F4 tahun lepas. Kamu mesti bukti kan kepada kami bla bla bla bla......"
Darn it old man! Never proud of what we achived! Always wanted more! Oh well. Oh yeah since 2009 would be the year I would be taking the SPM, I am predicting tonnes of handouts, countless of homework, those late hours that I would spent studying and uncountable lectures from the teachers about my future and how hard the life after school if I didn't do well in the SPM.
As for my new year resolution. Well I have choosen not to tell anyone about it because of some personal reasons.
So, Adios 2008 and Hola 2009!
Happy New Year Guys!