A long time ago

A long time ago....
When I was about five year or so, my day to day clothes would be t-shirts from Kiki Lala, Ladybird and Kiko. Now days I see little kids wearing clothes from Gap, Nike and etc. Heck, I won't be surprise by the time I have kids Topman will have outfits for kids too. 

A long time ago....
When I was in standard one or somewhere that age. All the shoes that I have were from bubblegummers. Try strolling in the mall right now and you could find little kids wearing small sizes Adidas and Nike shoes. I wonder if Macbeth would someday sell shoes for kids too.

A long time ago....
It was went I was in standard six that I got my first handphone and that was because it was easier for me to call my folks since they went to haj. Now I can see kids as young as standard two sms-ing with their friends. I am predicting babies will have their own handphone by the time I got a job.

The future is so materialistic that it gave me the goosebumps.



pm stands for pusat media :)

Saiful Sufri said...

time aku kecik dulu, aku pakai brandless slippers. lagi terok!

Amer 'Arif said...

Aku pon!

Anonymous said...

haha okay